Paolo Deganello
Paolo Deganello
Paolo Deganello
Paolo Deganello
Paolo Deganello
Paolo Deganello
Paolo Deganello

Paolo Deganello

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Paolo Deganello — As Razões do Meu Projecto Radical

The book Paolo Deganello — The Reasons of My Radical Project arises from the need of creating a cultural heritage linked to housing and dwelling. It is a response to the significant contribution of the prestigious Italian architect Paolo Deganello in the consolidation of ESAD’s Interior Design Degree. This publication is the result of a friendship and of the collaborative relationship between Maria Milano and Paolo Deganello, which began in 1998, when he first visited ESAD. In addition to a critical reading and a retrospective analysis of Deganello’s work, this book analyses and confronts his teaching activity at the Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche in Florence and at ESAD, the schools with which he has collaborated in recent decades.

Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos
Editorial Coordination
Maria Milano
Maria Milano, Paolo Deganello, François Burkhardt, José Bártolo, Katja Tschimmel, Bernhard Bürdek, Joana Santos
Graphic Design
João Faria, Pedro Nora

PT 978-972-98303-4-1